Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Painting to Music Bumblebee Craft for Kids

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Have you tried painting to music before? Well, this adorable bumblebee craft is perfect for toddlers and preschoolers and was inspired the classical song Flight of the Bumblebee.

With my piano background and my passion for teaching music, I love to do music inspired activities and crafts with my kids. And we've done quite a few over the years already.

Recently, we did a fun preschool and toddler Flight of the Bumblebee music study. We ended up making these painted sheet music bumblebees, which I think are totally cute.

So whether you're looking for Flight of the Bumblebee ideas for kids or a craft for a preschool insect theme, you're going to love this painting to music bumblebee craft. It's great for kids of all ages, even toddlers and preschoolers.

Preschool bumblebee craft inspired by Flight of the Bumblebee

Bumblebee Craft for Kids: What You'll Need

Here's what you'll need for this simple bee craft:

  • Sheet music from Flight of the Bumblebee - You can grab a copy here and pick anything you'd like (I went with a piano version)
  • Black & yellow washable paint & paint brushes - To paint the bee's body
  • Scissors - To cut out the bumblebee's body
  • Vellum - For the bee's wings
  • Brad fastener - To attach the bee's wings to the body
  • Googly eyes - So our little bees can see what they're doing
  • White craft glue - To attach the eyeballs to the bee's face
  • Sharpie permanent marker - Because every cute little bee needs a smile on its face
Set out the sheet music, paint, and paint brushes for your kids. Next, turn on some Flight of the Bumblebee music to set the mood and then you're ready to paint a cute bee or two.

Flight of the Bumblebee sheet music craft for kids

Making Adorable Little Bees While Painting to Music

It's so interesting, to me at least, to see how J and K approach an art project like these painting to music bee crafts. They approach things so differently. J, for instance, in true hyperlexia fashion, started off by painting out the words "The Bumble Bee."

Preschool painting to music activity

He also wrote "the waters" and the number 33 onto what will eventually be the body of this little bee project. He later picked up speed, painting the sheet music like crazy. Perhaps to match the music he was painting to? I'm not sure. Yet, somehow he stayed almost completely clean and paint free. Not sure how he managed that!

Preschool painting to music activity & bumblebee craft

K, on the other hand, got reeeeeally messy while painting his bumble bee craft. He's a toddler, what else can I say.

Painting to music with toddlers

Painting to music with toddlers & bee craft idea

Toddler covered in washable paint

The Finished Bumblebee Crafts

Once the paint is dry, it's time to finish off these little bumble bees. 

First, I cut out bumblebee shapes from their paintings. I then cut out two wings out of vellum for each bee. Then I fastened them to the bee body using a brad fastener, which means the wings can rotate. Then I drew a smile with a black Sharpie and glued a googly eye onto each bee.

Easy bee crafts for kids inspired by Flight of the Bumblebee

Here's K's adorable bumble bee craft.

Cute bee craft for toddlers and preschoolers

And here is J's finished bumblebee craft. You can sort of see the number 33 still on its body.