Saturday, August 17, 2013

Building Chords With LEGO & Free Printable

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The boys and I continued to explore the concept of chords by literally building chords.  For the purposes of this activity, though, I simplified the concept of chords by ignoring sharps and flats.  We just stuck to the notes of the musical alphabet.

Music activity for kids: building chords with Lego - includes a free printable from And Next Comes L

I grabbed 21 pieces of Lego Duplo, which is enough to do the accompanying printable without having to reuse any pieces.  I wrote the letters A-G on white dot stickers and placed them onto the Lego pieces.

Building music chords with Lego with free printable from And Next Comes L

J liked to match the Lego chords right on the printable so that's why I did 21 pieces total.

Music activity for kids: building chords with Lego - includes a free printable from And Next Comes L

Once he had successfully built all his chords, he stacked them into a tall chord tower.

Building a chord tower from And Next Comes L

He was very proud of his chord tower.  He kept asking me, "Take just one more picture, Mom."

Building a chord tower from And Next Comes L

Download the Free Printable

To get a copy of this printable, click the link below:

>> Click here to download the free printable