Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Two Simple Sensory Bins Using Invisible Letters & Numbers

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Two simple sensory bins for kids using invisible letters and numbers.

I'm all about simple sensory bin ideas and following the interests of my kids. These two simple sensory bins for kids use invisible letters and numbers and are tons of fun and encourage lots of learning.

You likely have everything you need on hand to make both of these sensory bins. Although there is a bit of prep to make the invisible letters and numbers first and the dyed rice, both items are something that can be reused over and over.

2 simple sensory bins for kids using invisible letters and numbers made out of hot glue

How to Make Invisible Letters & Numbers Using Hot Glue

I came across the idea of making invisible letters and numbers on I Can Teach My Child and thought it was absolutely awesome.  And if you know my boys, letters and numbers are their passion/obsession.  So of course, I had to try this idea with the boys.

To make the invisible letters and numbers (or really anything you want!), simply hot glue the designs onto some parchment paper.  Once they are cool, just peel them off.  Then you are left with these beautiful invisible designs.

"invisible" hot glue letters and numbers

We did two different sensory bins before J decided to play with the individual letters and numbers on the floor.

Both sensory bins only used two items and cost nearly nothing to make.  So if you have been wondering how to set up an inexpensive sensory bin, then these are for you.

Easy Sensory Bin Idea #1: Colored Rice With Invisible Letters & Numbers

It has been awhile since the boys have done some play with colored rice.  However, I had some rice to use up after dropping my cell phone in the toilet (I used the rice to help dry out my phone).  So I colored the rice with some food coloring and added it to our big tub of colored rice that has been in circulation for over two years.

  • Colored rice
  • Invisible letters and numbers

Close up of colored rice sensory bin for kids

After a short glimpse of spring, some snow, rain, and colder temperatures greeted us, and dampened our spirits, early this week.  So we started off the day with this sensory bin.  As you can see, this sensory bin is so bright and cheery.

Colored rice sensory bin close up

Playing with a rice sensory bin

Of course, J gravitated towards the numbers...

Colored rice sensory bin with invisible numbers

K, on the other hand, loves his ABCs, so he preferred the letters, but he took a moment to climb into the sensory bin as well.

Then both boys started throwing the rice all over the floor as if it were confetti.  J kept saying, "Happy birthday" before tossing it in the air, which was cute.  Now if only the weather would stay nice, then they could happily toss rice around outside instead of on my floor because let's face it...I hate cleaning up colored rice.

Easy Sensory Bin Idea #2: Water With Invisible Letters & Numbers

After the rice had been mostly picked up and K had gone for his nap, I set up this sensory bin for J using water.  The water really does make the letters and numbers appear invisible.

Water sensory bin with invisible letters and numbers

  • Water
  • Invisible letters and numbers
  • OPTIONAL: a sieve or slotted spoon
I noticed that when wet, the invisible letters and numbers could stick to the sides of the bin.  I decided to set up the bin with a word stuck to the side to see if J would pursue the idea of spelling some words for me.  Well, he showed zero interest in that....ha!  He just wanted the numbers, which was fine with me.

Invisible letters made out of hot glue

I noticed how he was scooping the numbers up and waited for them to drain.  I asked if he would like a sieve or something similar, which he enthusiastically said, "Yes!"  He loved filling the sieve, lifting it to see the water fall out, and shake the sieve.  He repeated it over and over.

So there you have it.  Two simple and inexpensive ways to play!

Other Sensory Bins You'll Love

2 simple sensory bins for kids using invisible letters and numbers made out of hot glue